Bookmarks with tag "web", page 8 of 14
A list of React starter kits (Vite, Next, Astro) which help developers to start a React project in 2023.
@use-gesture allows you to implement advanced UI interactions with just a few lines of code.
With naturally fluid animations you will elevate your UI & interactions. Bringing your apps to life has never been simpler.
Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.
Documentation site for next-export-optimize-images.
next-optimized-images automatically optimizes images used in next.js projects (jpeg, png, svg, webp and gif).
SEO plugin for Next.js projects.
Google uses structured data markup to understand content. Explore this guide to discover how structured data works, review formats, and learn where to place it on your site.
Open Graph meta tags are snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media. Learn how to set them up quickly in this guide.
The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.
Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for TS/JS, React, Solid, Svelte and Vue.
How to use Private Routes in React Router 6 (alias Protected Routes) by using conditions (e.g. authentication, permissions, roles) to authorize users for guarded pages.