Bookmarks, page 5 of 70
Makes it easy for you to discover everything you need to know about refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles, and other smart programming topics.
The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
CSS-in-JS with build time generated styles, RSC compatible, multi-variant support
A querystring parsing and stringifying library with some added security. It is a fork and TypeScript rewrite of qs that aims to be modern, lightweight yet fully backwards compatible with qs.
A querystring parser with nesting support
Authentication for Next.js
Quickly make and deploy full-stack apps with database, auth, styling, storage etc. figured out for you.
A light-weight Chrome extension to preview the open graph tags ( og tags) of the page in your current tab
Your Gateway To A World Of Public APIs
A collective list of free APIs
Container Image repository for Kubernetes
00 is a bring your own SES email monitoring service you self-host.
Railway is the cloud for building, shipping, and monitoring applications. No Platform Engineer required.
An open source component library optimized for fast development, easy maintenance, and accessibility.
VPS Hosting
Web-based continuous localisation
Open Translation Management Platform
The Platform is built to automate, manage, translate and integrate content at great speed, accuracy and scale.
All in one i18n extension for VS Code