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LiqPay ruby sdk.
With version 2.1 Ansible introduced two features that make it possible to add proper debug logging to your playbooks, and also check and troubleshoot them on the fly, while they are executed. The Debug Strategy Strategies change the way Ansible executes your tasks. The default strategy is linear. That is the one you are used... Read more
It’s only so often you can wait 5 whole seconds for your build to apply your color: blue; to color: red; change… At Onfido, we use webpack as our module bundler. As is always the case given the speed…
Flexible, clear pricing for modern infrastructure and applications of any scale.
acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6 and 7.
Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
A community-driven Ruby coding style guide.
This guide shows you how to set up Fail2Ban, a log-parsing application, to monitor system logs, and detect automated attacks on your Linode.
Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat
Learn how to use BIND to set up your own server for resolving domain names.
Ruby/Git is a Ruby library that can be used to create, read and manipulate Git repositories by wrapping system calls to the git binary.
Application server configuration can make a major impact on the throughput and performance-per-dollar of your Ruby web application. Let's talk about the most...
A Ruby/Rack web server built for parallelism.
Active Record, improved. Live again :).