Bookmarks, page 53 of 70
One of many ways to organize the files in a React project.
A webpack loader for responsive images.
Databases support integer primary keys and they are fast and elegant. But what happens when you need a second shard on your database: UUID’s to the rescue? Maybe.
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
Within a lazily executed method chain, a single object is updated and passed from one method to the next, until it's finally transformed into its output value.
Fred Heath shows how Ruby can take patterns from other languages and clean them up using Modules to make your code concise and expressive.
If you are an experienced Rails developer, you won’t need explanations about what a concern is. For those who are new to the framework, here is a short explanation: Sounds great, right? Any class…
Usually there are two ways the images are used in a web application — using the <img> tag in the HTML or thru css by setting ‘background-image’ property in an HTML element’s css class or style. The…
A critical review of the popular API paradigms.
LiqPay ruby sdk.
With version 2.1 Ansible introduced two features that make it possible to add proper debug logging to your playbooks, and also check and troubleshoot them on the fly, while they are executed. The Debug Strategy Strategies change the way Ansible executes your tasks. The default strategy is linear. That is the one you are used... Read more
It’s only so often you can wait 5 whole seconds for your build to apply your color: blue; to color: red; change… At Onfido, we use webpack as our module bundler. As is always the case given the speed…
Flexible, clear pricing for modern infrastructure and applications of any scale.